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Castrol Iloform? TRS 185 is a synthetic, oil rejecting welded steel tube forming fluid. It is stable in both hard and soft
waters and it is able to settle dirt and to split tramp oil quickly. The product can provide indoor corrosion protection for
steel tubes.
Iloform TRS 185 has been developed to meet the requirements of carbon steel structural tube forming. It keeps the
forming rolls on tube mills in a clean condition by removing mill scale build-up.
Conditions of Use
Concentration range: 5 - 8%
Water range: 100 - 800 ppm CaCO3
Can provide temporary indoor corrosion protection for tubes
Stable solutions in both soft and hard waters
Rejects tramp oil to the surface of the fluid for easy removal which aids extension of fluid life and helps to
minimise maintenance costs and downtime
Settles chips quickly to maintain a clean working environment
The fluid can be easily removed with alkaline cleaners